Sunday, August 18, 2013

SEPS British Impact

Indian society underwent many changes after the British came to India. In the 19th century, certain social practices like female infanticide, child marriage, sati, polygamy and a rigid caste system became more prevalent. These practices were against human dignity and values. Women were discriminated against at all stages of life and were the disadvantaged section of the society. They did not have access to any development opportunities to improve their status. Education was limited to a handful of men belonging to the upper castes. Brahmins had access to the Vedas which were written in Sanskrit. Expensive rituals, sacrifices and practices after birth or death were outlined by the priestly class.
When the British came to India, they brought new ideas such as liberty, equality, freedom and human rights from the Renaissance, the Reformation Movement and the various revolutions that took place in Europe. These ideas appealed to some sections of our society and led to several reform movements in different parts of the country. At the forefront of these movements were visionary Indians such as Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Aruna Asaf Ali and Pandita Ramabai. These movements looked for social unity and strived towards liberty, equality and fraternity. Many legal measures were introduced to improve the status of women. For example, the practice of sati was banned in 1829 by Lord Bentinck, the then
Governor General. Widow Remarriage was permitted by a law passed in 1856. A law passed in 1872, sanctioned inter-caste and inter-communal marriages. Sharda Act was passed in 1929 preventing child marriage. The act provided that it was illegal to marry a girl below 14 and a boy below 18 years. All the movements severely criticized the caste system and especially the practice of untouchability. Impact of British Rule on India: Economic, Social and Cultural (1757-1857) The impact of the efforts made by these numerous individuals, reform societies, and
religious organisations was felt all over and was most evident in the national movement. Women started getting better education opportunities and took up professions and public employment outside their homes. The role of women like Captain Laxmi Sehgal of Indian National Army (INA), Sarojini Naidu, Annie Besant, Aruna Asaf Ali and many others were extremely important in the freedom struggle.  Captain Lakshmi Sehgal (in the middle, front row) and other INA Cadres with Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose (left, front row)
 Social and Cultural Policy
The British had come to India with the idea of making immense profits. This meant buying of raw materials at very cheap rates and selling finished goods at much higher prices. The British wanted the Indians to be educated and modern enough to consume their goods but not to the extent that it proved detrimental to British interests. Some of the Britishers believed that Western ideas were modern and superior, while Indian ideas were old and inferior. This was, of course, not true. Indians had a rich traditional learning that was still relevant. By this time in England there was a group of Radicals who had a humanistic ideology towards Indians. They wanted India to be a part of the modern, progressive world of science. But the British government was cautious in undertaking rapid modernisation of India. They feared a reaction among the people if too much interference took place with their religious beliefs and social customs. The English wanted perpetuation of their rule in India and not a reaction among the people. Hence, though they talked about introducing reforms, in reality very few measures were taken and these were also half-hearted.
Impact of British Rule on India: Economic, Social and Cultural (1757-1857)
 Education Policy
The British took a keen interest in introducing the English language in India. They had many reasons for doing so. Educating Indians in the English language was a part of their strategy. The Indians would be ready to work as clerks on low wages while for the same work the British would demand much higher wages. This would reduce the expenditure on administration. It was also expected to create a class of Indians who were loyal to the British and were not able to relate to other Indians. This class of Indians would be taught to appreciate the culture and opinion of the British. In addition, they would also help to increase the market for British goods. They wanted to use education as a means to strengthen their political authority in the country. They assumed that a few educated Indians would spread English culture to the masses and that they would be able to rule through this class of educated Indians. The British gave jobs to only those Indians who knew English thereby compelling many Indians to go in for English education. Education soon became a monopoly of the rich and the city dwellers.
The British Parliament issued the Charter Act of 1813 by which a sum of Rupees One lakh was sanctioned for promoting western sciences in India. But a controversy soon arose. Some wanted the money to be spent on advocating western ideas only. There were others who placed more emphasis on traditional Indian learning. Some recommended use of vernaculars (regional languages) as the medium of instruction, others were for English. In this confusion people failed to notice the difference between English as a medium and English as a subject for study. The British, of course, decided in favor of teaching western ideas and literature through the medium of English language alone. Another step in this direction was the Woods Despatch of 1854. It asked the Government of India to assume responsibility for the education of the masses. As part of the directive given by the Woods Despatch, Departments of Education were instituted in all provinces and Affiliated Universities were opened in Calcutta, Madras and Bombay in 1857. A few English schools and colleges were opened instead of many elementary schools. They ignored the education of the masses. But in reality, it was not sufficient to cater to the needs of the Indian people. Though the British followed a half-hearted education policy in India, English language and western ideas also had some positive impact on the society. Many reformers like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, and Swami Vivekananda absorbed western ideas of liberalism and democracy and used it to reform some of the non-humanitarian social and religious practices of the time. Though education did not reach the masses but some ideas of anti-imperialism, nationalism, social and economic equality took root through political parties, discussions and debates on public platform and the press. The spread of English language and western education helped Indians to adopt modern, rational, democratic, liberal and patriotic outlook. New fields of knowledge
Impact of British Rule on India: Economic, Social and Cultural (1757-1857)
in science, humanities and literature open to them. English became the lingua franca of the educated people in India. It united them and gradually made them politically conscious of their rights. It also gave opportunity to the Indians to study in England and learn about the working of democratic institutions there. The writings of John Locke, Ruskin, Mill, Rousseau and many others instilled in them the ideas of liberty, equality, fraternity, human rights and self-government. The French and the American Revolutions, and the unifications of Italy and Germany further strengthened their appreciation of these ideas. Cavour, Garibaldi and Mazzini became their favorite heroes. They began to aspire for these ideals for India. Western thinkers like Max Mueller and Annie Besant encouraged vernacular languages and literary works to instill a sense of pride in Indian heritage and culture. It enabled Indians to revive India’s cultural past. Also, the important role of press in arousing political awakening and exchange in ideas is noteworthy. The newspapers and journals gave opportunities to share ideas and problems. Similarly, novel, drama, short story, poetry, song, dance, theatre, art and cinema were used to spread views and express resistance to colonial rule. They spoke the language of the people, showcasing their everyday lives, joys and sorrows. Along with newspapers and journals, they promoted the feelings of self confidence, self respect, awareness and patriotism, thereby developing a feeling of national consciousness. Indian People’s Theatre Association (IPTA) was founded in 1943. It used music as an integral medium to express dissent and resistance, and continuing its cultural movement even after Independence. Songs ranged from the awareness of exploitation, immortalising the sacrifices of peasants, the revolt of 1857 and the people killed in the Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar. They cited the meaninglessness of war and violence and also protested against the partition of India through their songs.
The British devised several strategies to make their rule effective. The early British administrators in India like Warren Hastings, William Jones, Jonathan Duncan and others glorified India’s ancient past. These scholars and administrators were called Orientalists. They thought that a better understanding of Indian languages, literature and culture would make it easier for them to rule India. Important institutions that came to be identified with their efforts were the Calcutta Madarsas founded by Warren Hastings (1781), the Asiatic Society of Bengal founded by William Jones (1784), the Sanskrit College at Banaras founded by Jonathan Duncan (1794) and the Fort William College founded by Wellesley (1800). These institutions, especially the Asiatic Society and the Fort William College became the epicenter of the study on Indian culture, languages and literature. For the first time great ancient Sanskrit writers like Kalidasa became known to the world through translation of their monumental work into English.
During this period there were some individuals who played a major role in glorifying India’s culture, knowledge and tradition. Listed below are some personalities whose contribution have been recognised worldwide. Search for more information in the library/internet on their works.
1. Aryabhatta ............................................................
2. Charaka ............................................................
3. Maitreyi ............................................................
4. Gargi ............................................................
How do you think it must have helped the Indians to take pride in their past history and regain self respect?
 Impact of the Reform Movement
How did the socio-religious reform movements led to the national movement? The persistent efforts of the reformers had immense impact on the society. The religious reform movements instilled in the minds of Indians greater self-respect, self-confidence and pride in their country. These reform movements helped many Indians to come to terms with the modern world. The reformers felt that modern ideas and culture could be best imbibed by integrating them into Indian cultural stream. They helped other countrymen to appreciate that all modern ideas were not against Indian culture and values. The introduction of modern education guided the Indians towards a scientific and rational approach to life. People became more conscious of their identity as Indians which was ultimately responsible for their united struggle against the British in the freedom movement of India.
 British Administration and Judicial System
The Indians found it difficult to adjust to the new system of administration introduced by the British. The Indians were denied political rights and the British officers treated them with contempt. Indians were excluded from all higher positions in the civil administration and military. The British also introduced a new system of law and justice in India. A hierarchy of civil and criminal courts was established. The laws were codified and attempts were also made to separate the judiciary from the executive. Efforts were made to establish the ‘Rule of Law’ in India. But this only helped the British to enjoy arbitrary powers and to interfere with the rights and liberties of the Indians. The law courts were not easily accessible to the common people. Justice became a costly affair. The new judicial system also discriminated between Europeans and Indians.
Impact of British Rule on India: Economic, Social and Cultural (1757-1857) Impact of British Rule on India: Economic, Social and Cultural (1757-1857)
1. Match the following:
(a) Widow Remarriage Act (i) 1857
(b) Charter Act
(ii) 1794
(c) Department of Education (iii) 1813
(d) Sanskrit College of Banaras (iv) 1856
(v) 1855
2. Name at least two centers of Indian culture and languages founded by the British.
Briefly explain at least two legal measures which helped improve the status of
women in British India.
The adverse impact of the British rule on the political, economic and social spheres resulted in sharp reaction of the Indian people against the foreigners. This led to a series of the anti-British movements throughout the country. Peasants and tribes rebelled against exploitative rulers. This has been dealt in greater detail in the next few lessons. During the British rule, the number of famines recorded in India was unprecedented. During the first half of the 19th century, 7 big famines were recorded which led to the death of 15 lakh people. Similarly, in the latter half of the 19th century there were 24 famines causing over 200 lakh deaths. The most devastating was the Bengal Famine of 1943 which killed 3 to 4 million Indians. Peasants burdened with taxation, eviction from land and survivors from the Bengal famine joined the rebel groups of Sanyasis and Fakirs. In 1783, rebels stopped paying revenues to company agents. However, rebels were finally forced to surrender. Similarly, Poligars of Tamil Nadu, Malabar and Coastal Andhra, Mappilas of Malabar revolted against the colonial rule. In North India, the Jats of western Uttar Pradesh and Haryana revolted in 1824. In Maharastra and Gujarat, the Kolis revolted. Tribes in different parts of country also rebelled as colonial government extended their authority to tribal lands. The tribes were subjected to various extortions. Tribal leaders such as Bhils of Khandesh and Kolis of Singhbhum revolted against British rule. However, British suppressed them ruthlessly. Oppressed Santhals on the border of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa also revolted against Britishers as they were being evicted from their lands. They even set up their own government but British suppressed their revolt. Though these rebels did not succeed, they exposed the unpopular character of colonial rule. Even today, we witness many disparities in our society. At least one-third of the country’s population barely manages to survive. If you compare this situation with that at the time of independence, we have made good progress but we still have a long way to go.
Impact of British Rule on India: Economic, Social and Cultural (1757-1857)
Santhal Rebellion: Fight between Railway Engineers and Santhals (Illustrated from London News, 1856) According to expert analysis, more than 17,500 farmers killed themselves between 2002 and 2006. Farmers’ suicides have been reported from Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat, Kerala, Punjab, Chhattisgarh and Tamil Nadu. The reasons are mainly crop failure and debts. Also, the number of farmers is also falling due to their abandonment of farming. Collect more information either from newspapers, magazines and internet, or by talking to 5-6 farmers on the possible reasons for taking such an extreme step? Share your thoughts. Have you seen the movie Peepli Live? Do watch it if you can.
 Impact of the Revolt of 1857
The economic decline of peasantry and artisans were reflected in 12 major and numerous minor famines from 1770 to 1857. All these factors only helped to spread anti-British feeling which ultimately culminated in the revolt of 1857. The British were not very sensitive to the feelings of the masses they ruled ruthlessly. Hence, reforms introduced by them to put an end to some social customs made the people believe that the Government wanted them to be converted to Christianity. As a result, the English East India Company’s rule in India witnessed a large number of uprisings and rebellions. In a later lesson you will read about some important and popular uprisings and also analyse the nature and significance of these uprisings. You will also read about the Revolt of 1857 which had a major impact on our national movement.
For the first time it unified and brought together people having different ethnic, religious and class background against the British rule.
Impact of British Rule on India: Economic, Social and Cultural (1757-1857)
The revolt brought an end to East India Company’s rule, along with changes in the British policy towards Indian States. One of the most important outcomes of the revolt was that it gave rise to nationalism. Indian people became more aware of their heroes, who sacrificed their lives for the country so that others might live in free India in times to come. The revolt however scarred the relationship between Hindus and Muslims with the Divide and Rule Policy which was adopted by the British. They felt that if they wanted to continue their rule in India, it was important to divide the Hindus and Muslims.
 Impact Today
After reading this lesson, you would become more aware of how British rule affected every bit of Indian life. This political control also meant a long drawn interaction between two distinct cultures. Some changes were deliberately introduced to strengthen the British political and trading interests. But there were others that occurred as a byproduct of the interaction between the Indian and the western cultures. A large number of British and Europeans stayed in our country during this period which also brought cultural transformation.
We should also understand that our present life is shaped to a great extent by our immediate past. In this immediate past, the British control over a large part of the country becomes an important determining factor. Some of the cultural and legal changes that took place as a result of British rule continue to affect our life even today. The rails, the club life, the imperial buildings like the Rashtrapati Bhavan and the Parliament are reminiscent of the British rule in India. Many food items like bread, tea and cake that we consume today are a direct result of our interaction with Europeans during the British rule. If you look around yourself, you will be surprised to know that a large number of costumes prevalent in urban India were adopted during the British rule, for example, trousers, coats and ties. The idea of introducing Indian civil service started during this period. The Indian armed forces still retain many aspects of European training and culture. The medium of our instruction or learning itself is predominantly English. The Supreme Court and the High Court pass their judgments in English. This language itself is a legacy of the British rule and continues to be the lingua franca of Indians seeking employment in their own country.
Identify two reasons for protest movements by peasants and tribal groups in India. 
How did the British policy of Divide and Rule affect the national interest of the
country? Explain in 30 words.
Impact of British Rule on India: Economic, Social and Cultural (1757-1857)
The British came to India as traders, but also had territorial ambitions. They gradually gained control over the whole of India by using various means like direct conquest, annexation and diplomacy. . The Battle of Plassey in 1757 marked the beginning of the political dominance of the British in India. British rule had a deep impact on the political and social life of the Indians..
The economic impact of British rule was most far-reaching. It destroyed the traditional economy of India and drained India’s wealth to Britain. The economic policies of the British also affected the classes of peasants, artisans very adversely. . The discontentment that resulted from British Rule gave rise to a series of resistance movements against the British. The Sanyasi and Fakir uprisings, the Farazi movements, the Wahabi movement and the Santhal rebellion are some examples of resistance to British rule. . The war of 1857 had to end in defeat due to the military and political weaknesses of the Indians.
1How did the land revenue policies of the British affect the life of the peasants?
Distinguish between Permanent Settlement and Mahalwari System.
How did English education contributed in the rise of nationalism in India?
Examine the reasons for the success of the English language in the country?
Do you agree with the fact that British impact could be seen even today? If yes,
Impact of British Rule on India: Economic, Social and Cultural (1757-1857)
(a) No because the cheap foreign goods were a threat to Indian handloom. Also,
Indian weavers suffered much loss.
(b) No because the high revenue rates led many peasants to revolt against the
British rule. Though the British Empire benefitted economically, it had to
suffer politically in the long run.
(c) No because rice and wheat are food crops.
(d) Yes because when the peasants failed to pay back their loan their lands
passed into the hands of the money lending class.
The main purpose was to connect trading ports and industrial towns to villages
from where they got their raw materials, that is, cash crops. It ensured its easy
and fast transport. Also, finished goods from the trading ports could be taken
to various markets.
 Asiatic Society of Bengal founded by William Jones in 1784.
Fort William College founded by Lord Wellesley in 1800. .
The practice of sati, wherein the wife had to jump at her husband’s funeral fire,
was banned in 1829.
Sharda Act, which raised the marriageable age of girls to 14 and boys to 18
thereby preventing child marriage, was passed in 1929. .
(a) The exploitative nature of the British with their heavy taxation and high
revenue rates on the peasants.
(b) Various extortion policies and extension of British authority to tribal lands.
The British policy of Divide and Rule led to the division of the country on the
basis of religion. The relationship between the Hindus and the Muslims suffered

with the British pitching native against native to continue their rule. 

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