Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Terrorists Or Victims !

Terrorists or Victims!                                                                                        By:  Maharaj Shah
The excuses offered by the guilty of the 1993 Mumbai blasts before Tada court judge P D Kode in justifying their heinous acts of terrorism and calling their act of killing 113 innocent people as a reaction to what was happening to Muslims in India, the Babri Masjid demolition and the Mumbai riots as a reason to lose their patience and resort to wanton killings, is all but yet another ploy of the prompters behind the scenes to send the message deep into the realms of civil society that some Muslims can declare war against state at any point of time they feel their pride was hurt.

One wonders if such Muslims have got any pride left worth boasting after seeing their alike resorting to mindless killings of innocent minuscule minority of Hindus in Kashmir. There was absolutely not even an iota of provocation from the side of Kashmiri Hindus, which should have given any reason to the killers for enacting massacres, loot, vandalism, and hounding out of the valley the entire ethnic aborigines .Now if this vandalised, physically affected and virtually deprived of their entire birth right, community of refugees in their own country, backlashes with the menace of terror against those who perpetrated all type of genocide against them, perhaps the entire world can understand their frustration.

 Those who do not get tired of crying in support of some alien Philistines and Lebanese for their struggle of homeland have deprived lacs of Kashmiri Hindus of their aboriginal homes and hearths. Those who call from their rooftops the slogans of freedom and liberty are basically the most dreaded enemies of any free civil society and practice absolutely a dogmatic medieval religious bigotry in the name of Nezame Mustafa. Their intention of enslaving modern scientific civil society under the dictatorship of a nexus of Muslim extremist clergy and army of armed terrorist groups is vivid in their acts.

In the similar manner the reaction to any past act of some handful miscreants at Godhra should not have resulted in taking a huge toll of innocent Muslims in Gujarat.

 Those in India who lose the sight of events taking place since 1986 in Kashmir can call Mumbai blasts as a reaction of Muslim psyche to demolition of Babri Masjid or the recent blasts as a retaliation of Gujrat. One wonders what stops three lac fifty thousand Kashmiri Hindus from retaliating the way Muslims do react to so called Hindu fundamentalist atrocities. The case of Kashmiri Hindus looks much genuine in the face of continuous apartheid faced by them from both the successive Governments at State and centre level.

Kashmiri Hindus cannot resort to mindless killing of their innocent Muslim brethren like some mislead elements in Muslim or certain Hindu fundamentalist groups have been doing.

 The hate tirade resulting in such heinous crimes as terrorism should find no justifications in the name of any retaliatory reaction to some previous act nor should communally oriented Indian political groups be allowed to cash on these unfortunate events.

Kashmiri Hindus need to be appreciated for their immense tolerance and they deserve all kudos for observing sound rationale even at the highest peak of adversaries brought upon them by the acts of fundamentalist Muslim groups in valley. Kashmiri Hindus have instead of indulging in meaningless retaliatory war against their adversary, engaged their progeny in developmental and healthy educational activites. Instead of finding fault with the system and wasting time energy and manpower in useless strife, Kashmiri Hindus have opted to defeat designs of all sorts of fundamentalist forces who impede the way of progress in a democratic civil society. They have rightly refused to resort to any kind of violent means to get their voice heard by many a world bodies that would matter in taking their issue of genocide in valley into some consideration.

Without firing a shot, Kashmiri Hindus have won their war against terrorism by bringing their point across the table, in conferences and forums organised at the highest world pedestal and exposed before these forums, the nefarious designs of terrorists acting under the garb of freedom fighters. The approach adapted by Kashmiri Pandits towards a repressive political system, by using its positive forces for their betterment and focusing more on developmental, progressive and competitive options than any destructive divisive and self destroying acts, should be a great lesson for all minority communities to learn.

The world has changed a lot. There are great things happening on all scientific, social, economic, technological and political fronts. We need to keep pace with these developments. We need to engage our activities in such a manner that we do not lag behind in any field. For keeping pace with the world, we need to understand it better and that we can do only by entering into cooperation and not confrontation with it.
There is a growing demand of the time that all political groups should address their constituencies in the manner people are carrying their economic and social activities instead of any religious groupings. The constituency in reality consists of working sector, service sector, trade and business sector, producer distributor and consumer sector and not any Hindus, Muslims or religious groups. But we are yet to see any election campaign being targeted at teachers doctors engineers business and tradesmen or professionals.

The terrorists do not come from other planet, they are born and brought-up in this system they are the sick nerve of this system and need remedy, some of them are genuine victims of a wrong up-bringing and fall an easy pray to prevailing prejudices of hate in the given society.  This hate is equally generated by communally focused aspiration in place of any diverse and multi social and religious co-existentialist forces.
The growing polarisation of different religious groups on an international level is a matter of grave concern for the safety and security of entire humanity. Many conflicts at national and international level have only added to widen this gape. In a world where sophisticated nuclear arms are falling within the close reach of emotionally charged and religion indoctrinated people, the fate of entire world can easily be imagined. 

Published in Naad 2009


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