Digital technology media
transformation has taken altogether a new leap from what we knew it few years
ago. The media room is being replaced by a news curator’s room. The news
assimilation and dissemination methodology applied by the news source and the receiver
has completely kept changing. The news is now surfed from the social site
uploads by the news curator and distributed to a worldwide news network online.
Inside, Netflix, Storyful are some of the examples. Looking at this development
the journalism course designer at university level should revamp and redesign
the present journalism courses at graduate and post graduate level. The nuances
of story verification and methods of content creation and presentation have
altogether changed keeping in view the need of the hour. The delivery and
receiving ends are also now very different. A smart phone and tablet is a new
newsgathering, assembling, packaging, distributing and receiving medium.
The mismatch of our course at the
college level is causing frustration in the mind of the young learners of
journalism. They are savvy with the latest technology and use it as game and
fun but we are lagging behind when we apply obsolete methods and old generation
technology to impart education. The freedom is missing at the campus. The class
room teaching is a big flawed way of teaching journalism. While academic
discipline cannot be and should not be compromised, a lot remains to be done
for devising a better methodology of teaching journalism at college level.
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