Indian Economy is regarded an Underdeveloped Economy?
An underdeveloped
economy is defined as an economy which has got unexploited natural resources
and unutilized human resources. In other words, it is an economy, having a
potentiality to grow. An underdeveloped economy shows the following features:
(a) In the
underdeveloped countries, natural resources remain unexploited and
underexploited due to various reasons. Systematic utilization of natural
resources alone can lead to -economic development.
(b) An
underdeveloped country is basically a primary producing country, engaging its
factors of production to produce only raw materials and foodstuffs. The
percentage of population engaged in. agricultural sector is very high (70% in
Indian context) and a major part of total national income comes from
agriculture and activities allied to agriculture (around 30% in India).
(c) In
case of UDCs, the scarcity of capital is both the cause and effect of low
productivity and underdevelopment. Due to scarcity of capital, a better
technique of production cannot be adopted in India due to undeveloped
technology total volume of production and productivity is low. Due to low
production and productivity, level of income is less, and consequently, less
amount of capital is available to adopt better technique of production. Thus,
poverty is both the cause and the consequence.
(d) A
chief feature of an UDC like India is its high population pressure. The high
birth-rate and low death-rate are responsible for a break-neck rise in Indian
population. At present, the annual growth rate of population according to 2001
census stands at 2.13%. This rapid growth of population stands as an obstacle
in the smooth development of the economy.
(e) UDCs
are characterized by low per capita income and grinding poverty scenario. In
India, the per capita income is less than 1/3 of the per capita income of the
developed western countries, and, according to the revised estimate of the
Planning Commission about 50% of the total populations in India live below the
poverty line.
(f) The
underdeveloped countries are also characterized by widespread unemployment,
underemployment and disguised unemployment. In India large numbers of people
engaged in the agricultural sector are underemployed or disguisedly unemployed,
apart from the large number of white- colored unemployed, existing in the
register of Employment Exchanges.
(g) The
underdeveloped economies are also backward in the field of human resources. In
these countries, the quality of people as productive agent is very low. There
is low labour efficiency, lack of entrepreneurship and economic ignorance.
People being illiterate are guided by blind beliefs, customs and traditions.
People become fatalists and believe that man's fortune is decided by fate and
not by one's own efforts.
(h) In
these economies, there is a lack of infrastructural facilities like transport,
banking, health, power, education and information technology. People also adopt
an outdated technique of production which results in low productivity.
To sum up
India as an underdeveloped economy is characterized by abundant, but
unexploited natural resources, a high population growth rate, a slow rate of
capital formation, an outdated technique of production, and a low standard of
living, accompanied by continuous and sustained efforts to raise it through a
proper utilization of available natural, human, financial and entrepreneurial
In this
context, the term 'economic development has to be defined as launching a
measure against the triple enemies of Indian economy, namely, hunger, ignorance
and epidemics. The planners of the country have tried to solve these problems
and to accelerate the pace of economic development under various Five Year Pla
To Sum Up-
economy is an underdeveloped economy because almost all important features of
an underdeveloped economy are still present in Indian economy. Some of these
features are discussed below:
1. Low Income:
India GNP (Gross National Product) per capita was $1,180 in 2009 at current
prices, roughly one third of the population is below the poverty line. On world
scale, income inequalities between the developed and underdeveloped countries
arc very large.
to the World Hank estimates, in 2009 the average GNP per capita of the high
income economies was $38,139 whereas it was $503 in low income underdeveloped
2. Predominance of Agriculture:
India agriculture and allied sectors contribute nearly 14.2 percent of Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) according to the 2010-11 estimates released by the
Central Statistics Office (CSO). Moreover, in India agriculture provides
employment to around .50 per cent of the workforce.
share of income in agriculture is however, considerably less than the share of
employment in agriculture which clearly reflects the relatively low
productivity per labour unit in the agricultural sector.
3. Rapid Population Growth Rate
and High Dependency Ratio:
population growth rate is also an indicator of underdevelopment. India’s
population growth rate was 1.93% per annum and 21.34 % per decade during
1991-2001, which is still very high as compared to developed economies.
Dependency ratio refers to ratio of dependent population (non-working) to total
population. In India dependency ratio is around 60% which is very high. This is
because of high birth rate and social circumstances.
4. Mass Poverty:
to United Nations Development Programme’s (IJNDP) Global Human Development
index 2011. India is ranked 134th among 187 countries. The report says 53 per
cent of Indians suffer from multidimensional poverty. The Planning Commission
released the second India Human Development Report (HDR) 2011.
report claims that poverty, unemployment and child labour are declining.
According to this report the absolute number of the poor (27 per cent) stood at
302 million as compared to 320 million in 1973. Poverty is widespread in the
underdeveloped countries, liven though major progress has been registered over
the past 25 years, the absolute number of poor has in fact increased.
5. Unemployment and
is a phenomenon of all economies whether developed or underdeveloped. But
nature and degree of unemployment is different in developed and underdeveloped
developed economics most of the unemployment is cyclical which arises because
of fluctuations in business cycles. In underdeveloped economies like India,
chronic unemployment is found which results from the structural defects in the
underemployment is widespread in underdeveloped countries. Underemployment is a
condition in which a person is getting work but not according to his/her
capacity and qualifications.
64th round (2007-2008) of NSSO survey on employment- unemployment indicates a
creation of 4 million work opportunities between 2004-05 and 2007- 08. The
Eleventh Five Year Plan aims at generating 58 million work opportunities in
twenty- one high growth sector.
6. Inequality:
in distribution of income and wealth is found in every country but this is
wider in underdeveloped economies. In India bottom 40% of rural population
possess only 5% of rural assets while 8% top households possess 46% of total
rural assets. This disparity is more intensive in urban areas.
7. Scarcity of Capital:
is considered as the most important factor in the development of an economy. In
underdeveloped economies like India, capital availability per person is very
low which results in low productivity and low per capita income. Low per capita
income again results in low savings, low investment and low capital formation.
Underdeveloped Countries (UDCs) are caught in the grip of vicious circle of
poverty. Lack of capital does not allow an economy to introduce the latest
technologies. Thus, economy becomes technologically backward and
internationally in competitive.
CSO’s Quick Estimates for 2009-10 placed gross domestic savings at 33.7 per
cent of the GDP at current market prices. With private-sector savings more or
less static, ii was the savings of the public sector that went up from a
revised level of 0.5 per cent in 2008-09 to 2.1 per cent in 2009-10. In the
investment sphere the ratio of gross investment came down to around 36.5 per
cent in 2009-10 from 38 per cent in 2007-08.
8. Low Level of human
Development Index (IIDI) constructed by United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP) has become an important indicator of development. IIDI is a composite
index of three important parameters of development- education health and
income. Every year, in Human Development Report (HDR) value of IIDI is
calculated for each country and then they are ranked and classified into three
categories high, medium and low human development countries.
to the UNDP Global Human Development Index (IIDI) 2011. India is ranked 134th
among 187 countries.
9. Balance of Payments (BoP):
BoP is
the systematic record of all economic transactions like trade of goods, trade
of services, unilateral transfers, foreign investment, etc. between a country
and rest of the world. BoP of a country is also an indicator of development or
underdevelopment of the country.
BoP of
UDCs like India shows that these countries export primary (agricultural)
products and raw materials and import final products and technologies from
developed countries.
invite foreign capital to fill their investment deficiency. India’s BoP is
generally unfavorable i.e., it faces deficit. To fill this deficit it has to
borrow from other countries and international organizations like IMF, World
Bank, ADB, etc. In lieu of loans, these organizations interfere in important
policy matters and impose their terms and conditions.
10. Social Peculiarities:
illiteracy rate, male dominated society, joint family system, fatalism, lack of
entrepreneurship, casteism, communalism, widespread child labor, etc. are some
characteristics of Indian society which distinguish it from developed
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